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Monday, August 30, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

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Membuat RSS Feed Untuk Website Yang Tidak Mendukung Feed

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 04:11 AM PDT

Website standar atau jadul biasanya tanpa dukungan Rss Feed, ini berbeda jika kita menggunakan platform blog seperti Blogger, Wodpress dan platform lainya yang memang sudah terlebih dahulu tertanam sindikasi Rss Feed. Keutamaan Rss Feed tidak lain adalah sebagai cara termudah agar pembaca (subscriber) feed via online dapat mengetahui update terbaru pada suatu situs,  selain itu tentu saja

Thursday, August 26, 2010


SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Steps of SEO Competitive Analysis Step 1 and select keywords. Prior to this step in the content, I will talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) well before I . Spare some people the wrong way find that SEO will know what it is important to ไง Why SEO Why do people say to each other much. (Among webmasters and site owners who are different) I would first apologize before I  that I did not pass away from where the Thep. But based on that experience to make a reasonable addition to SEO is also broadcast to children. Many others to follow. And is having success, but it depends on the diligence of each other for ล่ะ  SEO it is not a fixed rule. (We are not Google or M SN  Yahoo here), it changes all the time. Who observed the hard information about any advantage to adjust for ล่ะ .

SEO What is SEO (S CEO) from a full Search Engine Optimization means that a home any other Lukthung is to customize the site. And processes. Since the design of the website programming and web promotion. To provide top-of Search Engine (search engine sites like Google, MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.).

SEO is important in today's Internet ไง this Most people use the Search Engine to find information. Instead, type URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the Keyword (keywords) entered into the Search Engine Box will find different things to yourself easily. And to the point. Are available for comparison on many of the other and then when found. It will display several pages out several web sites that are ranked as a second or third impression on the first page. Will be Click to view the most. For this reason itself. Sites. Would want to own the web's Top Keyword a provision that benefits many areas such as advertising or sales promotion shop. Company itself. The competitive advantage, so I summarize the importance of SEO out to be as follows: ARTICLE I  (who want to add that it is written. Com Apartment I ).

   1. Make our web, top. The display of the search.
   2. Writing Good Title Keyword Intrend makes salient Despite lower ratings. I have been right clicking over
   3. To make the Web we are a core W3C standard language for writing Web. The more polished the Search Engine to find it easy to collect information.
   4. On top early. Ad sales are made because of the traffic.
   5. Integrates Adsense have a chance to earn a high cost. Because the traffic is likely.
   6. Others Ah not start process  I wait before I can guarantee that knowledge to use certain

SEO What is almost forgotten it  a Blog on fire SEO but push forget tell your friends that it is what S stands for the Search means Search E stands for the Engine means that the engine, but the meanings associated with Internet network, we mean hands or program. The last word is a word that stands for O or Optimization Optimize means refinement. If the co-translated by me then you might like to write other books and articles I  SEO Impact of Impact (my amateur งับ) SEO will mean that Customizing the Web, our favorite they are Web Search Engine all


SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Steps of SEO Competitive Analysis Step 1 and select keywords. Prior to this step in the content, I will talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) well before I . Spare some people the wrong way find that SEO will know what it is important to ไง Why SEO Why do people say to each other much. (Among webmasters and site owners who are different) I would first apologize before I  that I did not pass away from where the Thep. But based on that experience to make a reasonable addition to SEO is also broadcast to children. Many others to follow. And is having success, but it depends on the diligence of each other for ล่ะ  SEO it is not a fixed rule. (We are not Google or M SN  Yahoo here), it changes all the time. Who observed the hard information about any advantage to adjust for ล่ะ .

SEO What is SEO (S CEO) from a full Search Engine Optimization means that a home any other Lukthung is to customize the site. And processes. Since the design of the website programming and web promotion. To provide top-of Search Engine (search engine sites like Google, MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.).

SEO is important in today's Internet ไง this Most people use the Search Engine to find information. Instead, type URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the Keyword (keywords) entered into the Search Engine Box will find different things to yourself easily. And to the point. Are available for comparison on many of the other and then when found. It will display several pages out several web sites that are ranked as a second or third impression on the first page. Will be Click to view the most. For this reason itself. Sites. Would want to own the web's Top Keyword a provision that benefits many areas such as advertising or sales promotion shop. Company itself. The competitive advantage, so I summarize the importance of SEO out to be as follows: ARTICLE I  (who want to add that it is written. Com Apartment I ).

   1. Make our web, top. The display of the search.
   2. Writing Good Title Keyword Intrend makes salient Despite lower ratings. I have been right clicking over
   3. To make the Web we are a core W3C standard language for writing Web. The more polished the Search Engine to find it easy to collect information.
   4. On top early. Ad sales are made because of the traffic.
   5. Integrates Adsense have a chance to earn a high cost. Because the traffic is likely.
   6. Others Ah not start process  I wait before I can guarantee that knowledge to use certain

SEO What is almost forgotten it  a Blog on fire SEO but push forget tell your friends that it is what S stands for the Search means Search E stands for the Engine means that the engine, but the meanings associated with Internet network, we mean hands or program. The last word is a word that stands for O or Optimization Optimize means refinement. If the co-translated by me then you might like to write other books and articles I  SEO Impact of Impact (my amateur งับ) SEO will mean that Customizing the Web, our favorite they are Web Search Engine all

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

e-Junkie: Jualan produk online jadi lebih mudah

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 09:18 PM PDT

Anggap saja saat ini kita sudah membuat sebuah produk yang siap dijual secara online, entah itu mungkin produk fisik atau digital, bisa berupa e-Book, Kaos, Video Tutorial atau Template Premium, namun masih bingung harus menjualnya menggunakan layanan apa. Mungkin artikel kali ini akan menjawab pertanyaan rekan semua bagaimana mudahnya menjual produk kita secara online menggunakan

Sunday, August 22, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

Zoom Feed Aggregator (Premium) - Blogger Template pertama sebagai Feed Aggregator seperti Popurls dan Alltop

Posted: 22 Aug 2010 05:39 AM PDT

Keterbatasan Blogger selama ini tidak menyurutkan niat saya untuk mengembangkan versi template yang lebih canggih lagi. Ini bisa saya buktikan langsung dengan hadirnya Template yang dikembangkan khusus sebagai Feed Aggregator, dan bahkan bisa saya katakan template ini hanya satu-satunya yang pernah dirancang menggunakan flatform Blogspot. "..Specially designed for Make Money Online with

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