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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Work With These 4 Cost-Effective Affiliate Marketing Techniques To Increase Your Business

With affiliate marketing online, you have the opportunity to run a 5 star business thats liable to bring in a 6 figure earnings. When you finally reach this height, you'll be able to easily just sit back and relax. You do have to make sure moves in your affiliate business to continue moving toward the apex without making expensive errors.

Like all in other venture you'll have to refine your procedures as you go and hone your make money gathering skills to a razor edge every day before you start out. We are going to examine four powerful tips that you can use to assist you to reach the next level in your affiliate marketing program.

1) Remove your Losing Strategies, Find Winning Ones '“ A key aspect to building a successful internet marketing venture is to be able to differentiate between a winning product from your losing one, and being able to do it swiftly. Many products look like they may sell however numbers just don't add up.

To see a fantastic system for learning how to be a super affiliate see this Money Siphon System page. When you discover that the sales copy does not quickly grab your attention or has bad graphics, then you know it's going to be a product or service that is quite difficult to convert. Profitable items will probably be popular with buyers.

It's also possible to test-market a product to see what kind will generate sales. Comprehensive testing is essential. And when you discover a product that proves successful, then promote it with your complete energy and skill to get the most profit from it.

2. Now that you have a winner to use create a contact list around that product. Try to remember, you have to have a superior quality advertising or all the work will be for nothing. Test out your product and its specialized niche prior to developing your email lists by using an autoresponder e-course and a most effective squeeze page. There's no reason for making a list of individuals who don't buy and with a product they don't want. But when you finally find that successful product or service and a proven niche which is showing an income, then it's time for you to build a list around it and use it to boost your sales even further

3. Let your list help make itself. As soon as you get the hang of list building,(you will, it just takes time)it'll be easier to be able to pick that winning niche and you'll be riding high. Give attention to building your marketing list until it includes at lease a few hundred prospects and then you will be able to parlay that information into a powerful business tool.

If you want to succeed online you will have to know what to do so have a look at this Money Siphon System review page. Don't even think of dealing with other list owners if you don't have a significant list. So that you can secure a joint venture with another list owner, you should have subscribers that match their numbers. List owners usually prefer working with a proven marketer. Promotional deals and giveaway events are a great way to build your optin list and after you have developed your list to a good number'“perhaps 1000 individuals'“you can make contact with other list administrators and discuss partnership deals.

4) Target on a single market: A number of affiliates are proud that they are profitable in multiple niches, perhaps numbering in the hundreds. That approach certainly works for some. If you want a good affiliate marketing course, take a look at this Money Siphon System page and see what lies in store for this wonderful training. However, if you spread yourself to much, you will definitely see a reduction in your profits. This is a result of not having the ability to give attention to any one market. You have to maintain all your focus on one market. By attaining great outcomes in one area, you are going to become an authority in that area and gain respect and a name, which will allow you to build your success even further. When you have perfected one market successfully, then you can make the decision to go into another market.

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A Basic Overview To Creating Content For Your Web Site

A Basic Overview to Creating Content for Your Web Site

It really seemed, until quite recently in fact, that there were three separate groups of people influencing Web site content. You had the code people, the programmers and network folks that managed the back end and the infrastructure and thought those were the keys to success. Then you had your visual people, the designers that considered the layouts and the cool animations to be the way to go. Finally, you had your writers and wordsmiths, who kept tabs on how the search engines examined and rated sites and continued to craft copy (content) to push the site's ratings and page views up, up and away.

We may have finally reached the point where all these disparate groups agree. The fact is, all of them are right, to a degree, but the great majority of these diverse professionals now agree that Content Is King. From the SEO experts to the marketing departments, the focus is on creating, and continuing to modify, site content.

Now, of course, there are other buzzwords and fads to beware of as various different groups start arguing about what quality content really is. Fortunately, there are already good answers to content questions, and you can take control of your content yourself, without any high-priced consultants, as long as you have a good writer on hand that can follow a set of directions (and keep tabs on how those directions change over time).

Bottom line basics

In a nutshell, content is supposed to offer value to the site visitors, and it is to these people that it must be directed. This means you need to have a handle on the type of visitors your site attracts (or is supposed to). The readers want good information that is usable, that relates well to what they were searching for, whether it's news, education, entertainment or research data. The first of the bottom line basic requirements is that the content must be considered immediately relevant and useful.

Some content experts have had a hard time explaining how to create this kind of copy, and have instead shown examples without giving instruction on writing it. The foregoing paragraph is a decent summary of these instructions, which may be better expressed in short bulleted statements. Make sure your content is:

clearly relevant to the major topics of the Web site, whether these are products, services, philosophical ruminations or opinion;

of immediate value to potential customers, clients, members, etc

written in the language and the style most accommodating to the main demographic that the site serves, while remaining understandable to all; and

free of useless jargon, unnecessary filler, controversy (unless that is the topic) and anything else that interferes with its usefulness.

Many benefits of quality content

Having good content is rarely an end in itself, even for online libraries and archives. Unless drawing large numbers of site visitors is not important, which can possibly be true in some cases though not in business, getting people to read the content and act upon it in some way is the ultimate aim. When it is done right, and you craft the content to your audience, you will not only increase the number of site visitors, you will also increase the number of conversions, whatever it is you are calling for action on (sales, making a phone call, signing up for a seminar, etc.).

Since you know your customers and potential customers better than anyone, it would be best for you to write the content yourself. If you do not know how, you should begin practicing even as you draft into the project the best writer in your family or firm and work on it together. Whether it's you doing the writing, or you are guiding another in the task, you will be educating readers about your product or service, extolling its benefits, explaining why it's not just useful but necessary and giving plain, powerful reasons for that claim.

This is just short, starter list, but it can get you moving in the right direction. You must:

write plainly, without showing off your college vocabulary (unless it makes sense)

use natural-sounding, rather than too-clever-by-half, titles and heading

focus on benefits first, features next, of your product or service

learn how to format text properly for the Web

give alternative points of view or vantage points for understanding your product or service

learn to do keyword research and keyword-based writing

Final thoughts

Listen to feedback from both site visitors and professionals that you trust. In fact, you would be wise to solicit such feedback. Continue learning your writing craft, which you can do with a number of good instructional Web sites or books, and take all the help you can get from experienced Web writers. Like anything else, you will get better with time and effort, so stay positive!

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Ways You Can Keep Your Club's Website Cool But Still Practical

Running a club website can be an exciting experience but lately, you notice that you're losing your members' attention and fewer people are responding to your ads and call-to-action notifications. Are you losing your touch? Is your club losing its relevance? Probably not. You probably just need to make a few changes to your online site and tweak a few things here and there. Is change inevitable? You bet. Here are tips on keeping your club's website cool but still practical:

Choose a good design and layout
More often than not, the practicality and attractiveness of your club's website rests on its design and layout. Examine your current layout carefully -- consider the arrangements of information, content, titles, ads, graphics, images, videos, links, etc.

Consider your choice of background color, styles and fonts. Make sure that even if these elements differ from one another, they work as a cohesive whole. Don't use a loud color, a garish image or a funky font for the sake of using something different. Remember that these are parts of a whole and must function to make a practical but still cool website.

Provide a cool interactive experience for visitors
Don't be afraid to use technology - new apps, scripts and software are available to help make your website a place on the Web that people enjoy going to. Use different elements such as content, graphics, audio and video but make sure you have a theme that will hold them together. If the elements don't make sense together, they will only clash for your visitors' attention and this can make one unpleasant and uncool experience.

Make navigation easy
One of the most commonly overlooked functions of a club website is navigation. To keep your club's website cool but still practical, it helps to ensure that members find what they want when they need it. Nothing is more frustrating that spending more time than is necessary just looking for information that for all intents and purposes should be easy to find.

Navigation is part of the design and layout of your club's website. Consider carefully how links are to be organized and which ones to delete. Remove any dead links you may have. Getting members to click on a deadend is uncool and annoying. Make sure that if a link to information exists, it should be made available.

Listen to your members
Periodically, send out a survey asking your members to write any recommendations, comments or requests they may have. Review these comments and suggestions because they will be useful in helping you improve and maintain your club's website. After all, it will be your members who will be using your website. They, too, know exactly what makes it cool but still practica

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The Power Of Mindset And How It Affects Your Business Success

What was the reason you decided to start your own business? Did you get tired of your corporate job and feel you could do it better? Are you home with your family and your hobby turned into a business? All of a sudden you were out of a job and needed an income?

Too often I hear from my clients they are working too hard in their business without seeing an increase in revenue. If you needed to create more income, would you be able to do this quickly? More often than not, we hold ourselves back. You talk about having a successful business, but some of the steps you have to take are scary. Because of this fear, avoidance occurs and you don't even realize this is happening.

Shawna is an organizer. She could walk into a home or office easily transforming it for her clients. She was ready to grow her business, but realized she was not following through with opportunities.

She helped her clients become organized. She knew she was appreciated by her clients. As much as she loves what she does, and could do it all day long, she didn't really value her talent. She continued struggling at the end of the month barely making ends meet. Shawna claimed she wanted success, but something was holding her back.

You see, Shawna had conflicting values. She wanted success, but she was resistant to wealth. Her beliefs about money did not allow her to get beyond a certain income level. Looking at the numbers she had remained at an income threshold for several years. This was not based upon reality. This was due to a belief Shawna created for herself. What happened to her is true for all of us.

We have beliefs which we developed when we were younger. Having beliefs which are in direct conflict with current goals will stop progress dead in its tracks or make progress very difficult. Worse yet, it could lead to sabotage.

Fortunately, beliefs can be changed. It is possible, but difficult, to change your mindset on your own. You become so used to seeing things a specific way that you become stuck.

You don't need to suffer through this. By working with someone else trained in addressing mindset issues and who knows how to help create breakthroughs, you will go through the process a lot more quickly. Sometimes you just need someone else to help you step out of the box and look at things from another vantage point.

As you can see, Shawna was getting in her own way. Her inner game and mindset about money was affecting her goals for success. She was holding herself back because having more money conflicted with her identity. If she became too successful and had too much money, she would change and not be the same person. Her bottom line will continue to remain the same until she adjusted her wealth beliefs.

As Shawna began to identify some core beliefs, she was able to understand how her mindset was holding her back. She needed to explore her beliefs and how they affected her perceptions and actions. The ones which no longer supported her goals to grow her business were explored even further. New alternative points of view were discussed. She now had choices of how she could proceed. Once her resistance was gone, she began to see the possibilities.

Shawna decided on a plan to raise her rates which felt comfortable for her. She admits having her rates go up was a big "gulp" for her. In fact she was coached to take a big gulp before she told her fees and then to just wait for a response. Getting her first client at her new rates was scary, but exciting.

Things began to turn around. Shawna began to see her income increase without having to work more. Shawna continued to work on her mindset about taking those next big steps to success. If it was just left up to her, she would still be struggling with success. By working with someone to develop new beliefs which complimented her goals, she was amazed it could be so easy.

Unexpected things happen all the time. That is part of life. Do you have the mindset to step out of your comfort zone and do things differently to reach your goals? In order to be a success, you must already believe you are a success. Mindset is crucial. Once you begin to step out of the box and stretch yourself your business will respond.

Activity: Get a sheet of paper and create two columns. Over the left column title it "Values" and list all of the values you have, your strengths and qualities. Now over the right title "Actions." Under the Actions the top half will be "Pros." These are the actions you are taking which support your business and getting to the next level of success. Then write the "Cons". The things you do which prevent you from growing your business.

Once that is done, go ahead and next to each Action, the pros and the cons, write which value it supports. After you have paired each action with a value, see if there is a pattern there. This will help you to see where your conflicting values lie and begin to understand why you might be holding yourself back from growing your business.

7 Cara Sederhana Membangun Otoritas Blog Anda

Menghasilkan uang lewat blog atau dengan blog sejatinya BUKAN sekedar persoalan menampilkan iklan banner PPC di sidebar blog, menulis paid review, atau menawarkan spot iklan mandiri. BUKAN. Karena jika persoalannya cuma semudah itu, saat ini tentu sudah ada teramat banyak blogger Indonesia berpenghasilan jutaan bahkan ratusan juta rupiah per bulan.

Alih-alih, menghasilkan uang lewat blog sejatinya adalah persoalan membangun otoritas blog yang harus dimulai jauh-jauh hari sebelum iklan banner PPC terpasang, sebelum mendaftar program paid review atau sebelum spot iklan mandiri ditawarkan kepada calon pemasang iklan. Ringkasnya: membangun otoritas blog mutlak dilakukan sebelum Anda melakukan monetisasi blog.

Sebenarnya apa sih otoritas blog itu?

Secara sederhana, otoritas blog adalah "an accepted source of expert information or advice from a blog" atau sumber informasi atau nasehat terpercaya dari seorang pakar atau blogger. Sebuah blog yang memiliki otoritas seringkali menjadi rujukan bagi blog-blog lain. Misalnya, milik Darren Rowse adalah sebuah blog yang memiliki otoritas di dalam niche khusus make money from blogging. Atau, adalah blog yang memiliki otoritas di dalam niche khusus copy writing untuk blog. Dengan otoritas kuat yang dimiliki oleh kedua contoh blog diatas, traffik pengunjung pun meningkat, branding menguat, pemasang iklan berjubel dan pundi-pundi dollar pun semakin tebal. Ringkasnya: blog yang memiliki otoritas memiliki peluang jauh lebih besar untuk menghasilkan uang ketimbang blog biasa-biasa saja.

Lalu bagaimana strategi membangun otoritas blog?

Berikut adalah tujuh cara membangun otoritas blog yang saya sarikan dari pengalaman saya pribadi selama menekuni aktivitas blogging sejak tahun 2006. Meskipun bisa jadi bukan strategi terbaik, apalagi paling sempurna, barangkali apa yang pernah saya lakukan bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi Anda untuk mulai membangun otoritas bagi blog Anda.

7 Cara Sederhana Membangun Otoritas Blog Anda

1. Fokus Pada Minat, Hobi dan Keahlian Anda
Sebuah blog yang memiliki otoritas pasti terfokus pada suatu topik tertentu. Semakin mendalam penguasaan terhadap suatu topik, maka semakin tinggi tingkat otoritas blog tersebut. Kembali ke contoh blog diatas, dan CopyBlogger berhasil menjadi blog dengan otoritas yang tinggi karena fokus pada SATU topik tertentu. Jadi, mulailah menfokuskan diri pada minat, hobi dan keahlian yang benar-benar Anda kuasai. Jangan sekedar ikut arus dan trend yang sedang berkembang di dunia blogging. Misalnya, jika Anda memiliki minat yang besar pada seni melipat kertas atau Origami, maka tidak ada salahnya untuk menulis tentang berbagai hal di seputar Origami, ketimbang sekedar ikut-ikutan menulis tentang topik make money from blogging yang sebenarnya sama sekali tidak Anda kuasai. Percayalah, suatu saat nanti, blog dengan topik Origami milik Anda pun pasti bisa menjadi model pengalaman berharga untuk menulis tentang topik make money from blogging jika blog tersebut sudah benar-benar menghasilkan uang. Dengan menulis topik yang menjadi minat atau hobi Anda, Anda juga akan lebih bisa menikmati aktivitas blogging untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Ingat, jika Anda serius ingin menekuni aktivitas blogging, maka mau tidak mau Anda harus siap bertahan dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah menggali minat, hobi dan keahlian yang Anda kuasai.
2. Mulailah menulis di seputar minat, hobi dan keahlian Anda melalui blog Anda.
3. Jangan meremehkan topik kecil dan sepele yang tidak banyak dilirik orang. Tulislah apapun minat dan hobi Anda.

2. Berikan Yang Terbaik Bagi Pembaca
Fokus pada minat, hobi dan keahlian Anda adalah langkah pertama, namun Anda tidak bisa berhenti hanya sampai disini. Langkah selanjutnya yang harus Anda lakukan untuk membangun otoritas blog Anda adalah berusaha memberikan apapun yang terbaik bagi pembaca blog Anda. Artinya: mulailah menulis artikel-artikel terbaik bagi pembaca blog Anda. Jika mungkin, mulailah menulis artikel pilar berkaitan dengan topik blog Anda. Sekedar mengingatkan, artikel pilar adalah artikel yang bersifat mendasar, tak terbatas waktu dan menjadi body of knowledge bagi blog Anda. Dengan menulis artikel pilar dalam topik yang Anda minati atau kuasai di blog Anda, maka Anda telah mulai berinvestasi untuk membangun otoritas blog Anda. Selain menulis artikel pilar (dan artikel yang lain), berusahalah untuk selalu memberikan apapun yang terbaik bagi pembaca blog Anda.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah menulis artikel pilar dalam topik blog Anda.
2. Berusahalah untuk selalu menyajikan artikel terbaik bagi pembaca blog Anda.
3. Jaga ritme menulis Anda agar artikel yang Anda tulis selalu berbobot.

3. Tunjukkan Bukti, Bukan Teori
Setiap orang bisa membaca buku dan mengutip teori dari buku. Setiap orang bisa "mengajar", tetapi belum tentu bisa melakukan apa yang dia ajarkan. Demikian halnya, banyak orang bisa menulis dengan mengutip dari blog lain, namun tidak semua orang bisa menulis berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Pasalnya, tidak semua orang bisa memiliki pengalaman pribadi yang benar-benar ia lakukan. Salah satu kunci jika Anda benar-benar ingin membangun otoritas blog Anda adalah: mulailah menulis berdasarkan pengalaman Anda sendiri. Tunjukkan bukti, bukan teori. Jika perlu, gunakan gambar dan foto yang bisa memperkuat tulisan Anda. Dengan menunjukkan bukti otentik, maka pembaca blog Anda pun akan semakin mempercayai Anda. Tanpa menyajikan bukti dari pengalaman Anda sendiri, maka blog Anda hanya akan menjadi satu diantara ribuan blog yang lain yang hanya "mengutip" dari blog lain.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah mengingat-ingat dan menginventarisir pengalaman pribadi Anda sebagai materi blog Anda.
2. Tulislah artikel berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi Anda.
3. Jangan hanya "mengutip" atau melaporkan dari blog lain.

4. Dapatkan Endorsement Dari Blogger Lain
Otoritas yang Anda miliki akan semakin kuat jika Anda mendapatkan endorsement (pengakuan atau dukungan) dari blogger lain di dalam niche Anda. Dengan mendapatkan endorsement dari blogger lain, maka pembaca blog Anda akan semakin percaya dengan otoritas yang Anda miliki. Ingat bahwa salah satu cara paling efektif untuk mempromosikan blog Anda adalah dengan membiarkan orang lain yang mempromosikan blog Anda. Untuk mendapatkan endorsement dari blogger lain, Anda bisa meminta secara langsung kepada blogger lain atau memberikan kesempatan kepada blogger lain untuk terlibat dalam aktivitas di blog Anda.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah menjalin networking lebih intens dengan blogger lain di dalam niche Anda.
2. Secara elegan mintalah endorsement kepada blogger lain di dalam niche Anda.

5. Tunjukkan Bukti Otoritas Anda
Orang lain membutuhkan bukti bahwa blog Anda adalah blog yang memiliki otoritas. Jika Anda sudah cukup memiliki bukti, tidak ada salahnya untuk menunjukkan bukti kepada pembaca blog Anda. Salah satu bukti otoritas blog yang bisa Anda tunjukkan adalah jumlah pelanggan RSS Feed blog Anda. Semakin banyak jumlah pelanggan RSS Feed blog Anda, maka semakin kuat bukti otoritas yang bisa Anda sampaikan kepada pembaca blog Anda. Jadi, tidak ada salahnya menampilkan RSS Reader Counter di blog Anda. Selain jumlah pelanggan RSS Feed, banyaknya pengikut Twitter dan jumlah komentar juga bisa menjadi indikator otoritas blog Anda. Rumusnya sama, semakin banyak komentar di blog Anda, maka semakin tinggi otoritas blog Anda. Jika Anda belum memiliki bukti yang cukup, tidak ada salahnya untuk mulai membangun bukti otoritas blog Anda dari sekarang.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah mendaftar layanan penyedia RSS Feed seperti
2. Mulailah menampilkan RSS Reader Counter dan Comments Counter di blog Anda.
3. Mulailah menampilkan Twitter Follower Counter di blog Anda.

6. Bantu Blogger Lain Dengan Otoritas Anda
Membangun otoritas bukan semata-mata persoalan membangun blog. Alih-alih, membangun otoritas blog sejatinya adalah persoalan membangun nama baik Anda. Dengan kata lain, membangun otoritas tidak ada artinya jika Anda tidak membangun hubungan yang baik dengan komunitas blogger dalam niche Anda. Karenanya, mulailah membantu blogger lain dengan keahlian yang Anda miliki. Berilah ruang bagi pembaca blog Anda untuk bertanya dan belajar kepada Anda. Anda bisa mulai membangun fondasi komunitas pembaca blog Anda dengan cara memberikan bantuan secara tulus kepada mereka. Semakin Anda banyak membantu pembaca blog Anda, maka akan semakin kuat otoritas Anda.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah membentuk komunitas pembaca blog Anda.
2. Tawarkanlah bantuan kepada pembaca blog Anda berkaitan dengan keahlian yang Anda miliki.
3. Cobalah brainstormning ide mengenai bagaimana Anda bisa membantu pembaca blog Anda.

7. Menjaga Otoritas Dengan Tetap Rendah Hati
Langkah terakhir yang harus Anda lakukan untuk membangun otoritas blog Anda adalah berusaha mempertahankan otoritas blog Anda. Caranya? Gampang kok. Bersikaplah rendah hati. Jujurlah kepada pembaca blog Anda. Jangan sekali-kali membohongi pembaca blog Anda. Jika kebetulan Anda tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan pembaca blog Anda, tidak ada salahnya berkata jujur dan menyampaikan apa adanya bahwa Anda tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan pembaca blog Anda. Juga, jangan sombong. Kalau toh Anda memiliki pencapaian-pencapaian yang layak Anda banggakan, sampaikan dengan cara yang wajar dan santun. Dengan bersikap jujur dan tetap rendah hati, Anda telah menyampaikan pesan kepada pembaca blog Anda bahwa Anda pantas dirujuk dan dipercaya.

To do lists:
1. Mulailah membiasakan diri bersikap jujur dan rendah hati.
2. Jawablah pertanyaan pembaca blog Anda tanpa harus membohongi mereka.
3. Jangan sombong.


Dengan menjalankan ketujuh cara sederhana diatas, hemat saya, niscaya jalan untuk menjadikan blog Anda sebagai blog yang memiliki otoritas di dalam niche Anda pasti akan tercapai. Dan hasil akhirnya, tentu akan semakin besar peluang Anda untuk menghasilkan uang lewat blog Anda.

Yang pasti, seperti yang telah saya alami, membangun otoritas blog memang bukan hal yang mudah dan instan. Butuh waktu. Butuh energi ekstra. Butuh kesabaran. Namun jika Anda persisten, saya yakin, memiliki blog yang memiliki otoritas dan dipercaya bukanlah hal yang tidak mungkin. Meskipun tertatih-tatih, saya sudah membuktikannya juga kok. Ingat, blog ini sudah berumur 4 tahun. Waktu yang cukup lama untuk jatuh bangun dan bertahan di dunia blogging.

Bagaimana menurut Anda? Apakah Anda siap untuk menempuh perjalanan panjang mencapai predikat blog yang memiliki otoritas?

Senang sekali jika Anda mau berbagi dengan saya di kolom komentar blog ini.

Sekedar ingin berbagi. Happy blogging and have fun!

(Gambar diambil dari

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

7 Manfaat Widget Google Friend Connect

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:48 AM PDT

Penulis: Anawia putra | Sudah tahu apa itu google friend connect, Google friend connect adalah suatu program komunitas sosial seperti BlogCatalog,  MyBlogLog, dan  lain-lain. Bagi pengguna blogger mungkin tidak asing lagi karena sudah tertanam didalamnya secara otomatis. karena blogger juga milik google jadi otomatis sudah dipasangnya. Bagi pemilik blog ber mesin wordpress

Sunday, April 25, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

Compress Javascript dengan YUI Compressor

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 04:45 AM PDT

Percaya nggak desain web site/blog tanpa javascript ibarat sayur tanpa garam? bagaimana mungkin sebuah aplikasi web profesional tidak didukung dengan javascript ini. Silahkan anda cek sendiri web site kelas dunia diluar sana yang kebanyakan menggunaan fitur AJAX seperti Yahoo, Google dan  Facebook apa mereka menghindari script yang satu ini, gak mungkin lah hehehe jadi jangan pernah

Monday, April 19, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

5 Tips Sederhana Meningkatkan PageView Blog

Posted: 18 Apr 2010 09:39 AM PDT

Penulis: Satrya | | Twitter Apa itu pageview? Pageview adalah nilai rata-rata jumlah halaman blog kita yang diakses oleh satu visitor dalam satu kali kunjungan.Pageview ini sangat penting sekali, karena anda bisa mengukur seberapa bermanfaatkah atau seberapa menarikah artikel anda untuk para pembaca blog anda, bila pageview anda tinggi walaupun dengan visitor yang masih

Read Articles and Get Dollars

Setelah Anda mendaftar pada Link di atas, maka Anda akan diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih Tema atau Topik apa yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, setelah itu, maka Anda akan segera mendapatkan Kesempatan untuk membaca artikel-artikel dalam bahasa english yang sesuai dengan minat dan kebutuhan Anda.

Untuk mendapatkan Dollarnya, yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah mengklik Tombol Baca artikel atau bila Anda tidak suka, maka bisa langsung menekan tombol SKIP, lalu Anda bisa membaca artikel yang sesuai dengan minat Anda.

Yang saya suka Readbud ini tidak membombardir email kita dengan surat atau artikel yang tidak kita inginkan (tidak melakukan spamming) jadi ketika Anda ingin membaca artikel dan mendapatkan Dollarnya, maka Anda Login dulu ke Readbud lalu barulah Anda baca artikel yang Anda sukai.

Selain itu Anda juga bisa mendapatkan Dollar lebih besar lagi dengan menjadi pemberi referensi seperti saya, di :

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baca Artikel saja dapat Dollar

Setelah Anda mendaftar pada Link di atas, maka Anda akan diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih Tema atau Topik apa yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, setelah itu, maka Anda akan segera mendapatkan Kesempatan untuk membaca artikel-artikel dalam bahasa english yang sesuai dengan minat dan kebutuhan Anda.

Untuk mendapatkan Dollarnya, yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah mengklik Tombol Baca artikel atau bila Anda tidak suka, maka bisa langsung menekan tombol SKIP, lalu Anda bisa membaca artikel yang sesuai dengan minat Anda.

Yang saya suka Readbud ini tidak membombardir email kita dengan surat atau artikel yang tidak kita inginkan (tidak melakukan spamming) jadi ketika Anda ingin membaca artikel dan mendapatkan Dollarnya, maka Anda Login dulu ke Readbud lalu barulah Anda baca artikel yang Anda sukai.

Selain itu Anda juga bisa mendapatkan Dollar lebih besar lagi dengan menjadi pemberi referensi seperti saya, di :
Terima kasih

Saturday, April 10, 2010

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

Memilih Template Yang Benar

Posted: 10 Apr 2010 06:02 AM PDT

Penulis: Biyan A Pasau | Template mu adalah identitas mu. Pemilihan template tidak bisa dilakukan secara sembarangan. Saya pernah mereview salah satu blog yang berNiche cord gitar tetapi template yang digunakan berbasis magazine (*mudah-mudahan orangnya gak baca ini). Tidak salah memang…ini tergantung dengan tastenya si Admin. Masalahnya, apakah ini cocok dimata yang lain. Blog

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Selamat datang para Pengunjung Blog ini!

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Berikan Komentar Anda, Terima kasih

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Mau Coba jadi AGEN ACE LIFE Indonesia

Very funny clip, year 3000 kids and world with new gadgets.

Kita Tukaran Link, Yuk !

Copy dan Pastekan Link saya di bawah ini ke Blog Anda,


Lalu tinggalkan pesan/komentar dan Link Anda di Shout Mix, dari Shout Mix, akan saya letakkan di link Friends Blog, Terima kasih.


Investment Tree, Click Tree Picture!!!

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