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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ways You Can Keep Your Club's Website Cool But Still Practical

Running a club website can be an exciting experience but lately, you notice that you're losing your members' attention and fewer people are responding to your ads and call-to-action notifications. Are you losing your touch? Is your club losing its relevance? Probably not. You probably just need to make a few changes to your online site and tweak a few things here and there. Is change inevitable? You bet. Here are tips on keeping your club's website cool but still practical:

Choose a good design and layout
More often than not, the practicality and attractiveness of your club's website rests on its design and layout. Examine your current layout carefully -- consider the arrangements of information, content, titles, ads, graphics, images, videos, links, etc.

Consider your choice of background color, styles and fonts. Make sure that even if these elements differ from one another, they work as a cohesive whole. Don't use a loud color, a garish image or a funky font for the sake of using something different. Remember that these are parts of a whole and must function to make a practical but still cool website.

Provide a cool interactive experience for visitors
Don't be afraid to use technology - new apps, scripts and software are available to help make your website a place on the Web that people enjoy going to. Use different elements such as content, graphics, audio and video but make sure you have a theme that will hold them together. If the elements don't make sense together, they will only clash for your visitors' attention and this can make one unpleasant and uncool experience.

Make navigation easy
One of the most commonly overlooked functions of a club website is navigation. To keep your club's website cool but still practical, it helps to ensure that members find what they want when they need it. Nothing is more frustrating that spending more time than is necessary just looking for information that for all intents and purposes should be easy to find.

Navigation is part of the design and layout of your club's website. Consider carefully how links are to be organized and which ones to delete. Remove any dead links you may have. Getting members to click on a deadend is uncool and annoying. Make sure that if a link to information exists, it should be made available.

Listen to your members
Periodically, send out a survey asking your members to write any recommendations, comments or requests they may have. Review these comments and suggestions because they will be useful in helping you improve and maintain your club's website. After all, it will be your members who will be using your website. They, too, know exactly what makes it cool but still practica

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